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Education Loan Program

Bringing New and Improved Services to the Hospital District Residents

Education Loan Information

The Hospital District has established an education loan forgiveness program for the benefit of the citizens of the Hospital District. Our territory includes township members of Arlone, Clover, Danforth, Dell Grove, Finlayson, Hinckley, New Dosey, Ogema, Park, Partridge, Pine Lake and Sandstone Townships, and the cities of Askov, Bruno, Finlayson, Hinckley, Sandstone and Willow River. The following are the Education Loan Guidelines, how to apply, and the review process.

Loan Forgiveness Program

Health Care Education Loan Forgiveness Program


Loan applications will be accepted from North Pine Area Hospital District (Hospital District) residents or employees working for health care providers at the Pine Healthcare Campus or other Hospital District owned facility. This loan is available for all school-certified expenses.


The following are the loan criteria for a health care education loan:



This loan forgiveness program is available if the applicant is seeking a health care degree or certification and is a Hospital District resident or employed by a health care provider operating in a Hospital District owned property.


Loans are available for either a 2 or 4-year college program, one-year technical course or health care accreditation program.

  • The recipient of the loan must agree to work for a Pine Healthcare Campus or other Hospital District health care provider after graduation for a period of 2 years.

  • The Hospital District Executive Committee will review the loan application and make a recommendation based on the interview of the candidate and their fulfilling the eligibility requirements.

  • The loan will be sent by the Hospital District to the school.

  • If the degree is not completed or the recipient does not take employment with a health care provider at the Pine Healthcare Campus or other Hospital District owned property, the loan must be repaid at the following rate and conditions:


Loan Interest and Payback

The loan must be paid back if the applicant fails to complete the education or does not work for a provider at the Pine Healthcare Campus or ​other Hospital District owned facilities.

  • 5% Fixed Interest Rate

  • The loan is payable at a minimum payment of $200/month until the loan is paid in full; with monthly payments beginning six months  after the loan forgiveness eligibility disqualification.

  • $28,000 total loan, $7,000 per year maximum loan is available.

How to Apply for Education Loan

Complete the loan application fully and submit to Hospital District.


Provide detailed project plans, budget, statement of need, experience of the leadership team, project time lines, and detailed itemization of needed equipment and materials.


Progress reports will be required as established in the grant agreement, which will be signed by the Grantee and Hospital District Chair. 


Failure to meet established goals can result in discontinuation of the grant.


To learn more information about our Grant Program or our Education Loan Program, please click the links below.

Loan Review Approval Process

The application will be reviewed by the Hospital District, Health Care Needs Committee, or the Capital and Technology Committee.​


A recommendation from the Committee will be made to the full Hospital District Board of Directors for approval or denial.


Please direct any questions to a Hospital District contact at the links below.

Pine Healthcare Campus

 705 Lundorff Drive, Sandstone, MN 55072


North Pine Area Hospital District

501 Main Street North, Sandstone, MN 55072 

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