Reject Mental Health Stigma
Virtual Peer Support Network
Together we can reject and overcome stigma. Stigma comes in many forms; self-stigma, public-stigma, or structural stigma to name a few. For those of us living with or serving someone living with mental illness, we know how devastating stigma can be. We believe that awareness and education are the first steps to overcoming stigma and that is what we intend to do with special sessions on our Virtual Peer Support Network. We have a way for everyone to get involved.
What is this all about?
Monday and Friday Sessions
1 pm - 4 pm
Sign up to share your personal story of how stigma has affected your life, or the life of someone you love or serve. The first 15 people to sign up will receive a black t-shirt with this great message: “IT’S MY STORY. NO MORE SECRETS. NO MORE SHAME.”

Open Mic
Get involved by learning how to navigate civil engagement and advocacy with Melissa Hensley, Associate Professor of Social Work at Augsburg University and a person living with bipolar disorder.

Workshop Wednesdays
Come and check out our Virtual Peer Support Network! These sessions are designed specifically for giving a tour of our virtual peer-to-peer support program. Anyone is welcome, whether you plan to use the service or tell someone else about it. The second half of these sessions will be a presentation by our weekly keynote speaker.

Come and check the Virtual Peer Support Network. These sessions are designed specifically for giving a tour of our virtual peer-to-peer support program. Anyone is welcome, whether you plan to use the service or tell someone else about it. The second half of these sessions will be a presentation by our weekly keynote speaker.
All first-timers get entered into a drawing to win prizes!
Community-Based Solutions
to Opiod Crisis in Rural Minnesota
By University of MN
The University of MN collectively builds on existing partnerships with local, regional, state and national agencies to address the opioid crisis in rural communities. A recovery capital framework is used, which actively promotes community protective factors and reduces the impact of risk factors. We work to prevent substance use and support sustained recovery by engaging and working alongside communities and community partners.
Community Partners Play a Criticial Role
Helping provide knowledge of the unique local environment in their communities.
Community partners connect the project to key stakeholders to identify specific training and education needs of each community. In partnership with Pine County Public Health and Human Services, we’ve found creative and active ways to reach the broader community through Family Pathways-Pine County Food Drives. Family engagement kits were developed by UMN Extension team members and distributed by local SNAP-ed health and nutrition educator, Jimmie Johnson. These kits provided resources on mental health, healthy eating and active living. Training on Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), Naloxone, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and a program called Healing Through History have also been offered to Pine County public health staff and community. Health Through History explores and discusses important events specific to American Indian communities within Minnesota and basic cultural components. Participants leave with a better understanding of the impact of historical trauma. Most recent, through our public health network in Pine County, we are building a new partnership with Ascertain Recovery.
Diverse Team
Specialists and Educators
We have a diverse team of specialists and educators who provide various types of education for recovery centers like Ascertain Recovery and in other local organizations. Educational topics can include: health and nutrition, financial capabilities, parenting, mental well-being, MAT, Naloxone, and stigma associated with substance used disorders (SUDs).