Call **CRISIS (**274747) from a cell phone to talk to a team of professionals who can help you.
Text “MN” to 741741. Crisis Text Line offers free help for those who are having a mental health crisis or are contemplating suicide. Services are available 24/7 across Minnesota.
Pine County Services:
Pine County provides case management services to assist eligible children and their families. Children's Mental Health Case Management services are voluntary and may be accepted or refused by the parents. The case manager can assist in the coordination of a comprehensive mental health assessment, if one is not currently available, to determine the child's mental health needs.
The case manager will assist the child and the child's family in obtaining needed services by coordinating with other agencies and assuring continuity of care for the child.
The case manager will work together with the family to continually assess and reassess the delivery, appropriateness, and effectiveness of these services.
The case manager will connect with the people involved in the care, counseling, education, and treatment of the child in an effort to coordinate and monitor services.
Parents or legal guardians will be asked to participate in developing a comprehensive plan called an IFCSP (Individual Family Community Support Plan), based on the child's unique needs. These plans will be reviewed on a regular basis to determine if the goals for the child are being met and if other services are needed. A variety of services available through Children’s Mental Health Case Management may be provided based on the individual needs of the child and family.
Available services include:
Referral to Children’s Therapeutic Support Services (CTSS) and/or Community Skills Program
Referral for Diagnostic Assessment/Needs Assessment
Referral for Psychological Evaluations
Referral for Psychiatric Care/Medication Monitoring
Coordinated Treatment Planning
School Consultation and Support
Assistance in Securing Respite Care Services (examples include extended family, friends, or a paid provider)
Referral for Individual or Family Therapy
Providing number for Crisis Assistance
Advocacy for Child and Family
Financial Assistance Referrals
Referrals to Workforce Programs and/or Vocational Assistance
Referral to Appropriate Support Groups
Referral for Personal Care Attendant (PCA)
Assistance in Development of Independent Skills
Transitional and Adult Mental Health Referral and Support Coordination
To make a referral please call 320-591-1570 or email at cps@co.pine.mn.us
Source: Pine County Health and Human Services